Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Time Marches On...

Time marches on and so do I.  Some days I do really well ... and other days I drift out of focus.  To maintain a positive attitute (which is imperative), I keep reminding myself that this is a learning process -- as is all of life.  It's a journey to grow in our spiritual faith and Biblical knowledge, it's a journey to grow in our relationships with family and friends, and it's a journey in caring for our body.  One of my favorite authors is Stephen Covey (Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, etc.).  He said that we should always "sharpen our saw".  I try to sharpen mine by listening to 'self help' books about health, the Bible, motivational, social media marketing, and a wealth of other things (in addition to some good non-fiction along the way!  I love mysteries!).  I certainly hope that I never get to the point where I no longer feel the need to sharpen my saw!!

One of the many difficult things in learning to be an intuitive eater is forgiving myself.  That has never been a strong point for me.  The nutritionist said that she isn't as concerned about what I eat as much as my 'behaviors' and I have thought long and hard about that.  "Hiding food" so that it doesn't exist, maybe (?), therefore I don't have to be accountable for it -- even with myself?  Or did I hide it so that Mike wouldn't know I was eating it?  I don't know the answer to that, but I DO think that Mike can tell that I have eaten more than he witnessed!  ;-)    Who's kidding who?

Anyway, where I'm going with this is that I am doing better today than I was yesterday.  My intake of fruits and especially vegetables has sharply increased, which is great!!!  I used to buy fruits and veggies with good intentions then eventually throw them away.  That hasn't happened in a while, I'm glad to say.

I have eaten basically NO empty calories in the past two months.  (Ooops, I just thought of one -- my birthday cake at work.  But the amount I ate was nothing compared to days gone by when I kept going back to the kitchen area and snacking for the next couple of days!)  The thought of french fries, fried foods, etc., literally makes me cringe with the idea of this going into my system.  ...Sugar, however, I still want every hour!  But the 'small' meals/snacks every three hours keeps my insulin level in check and I'm doing rather well not binging.  Preparing in advance to always have a healthy veggie to pop in my mouth is the key.

Another revelation that I have had is that I can't keep things like "100 calorie snacks" around because I've learned that "100 + 100 + 100 = 300".   Yes.  Sad but true.  I do better staying away altogether.  When I want to treat myself, I need to go out and buy A cookie at the bakery or a SCOOP of ice cream at the dairy bar.  If I have it, I want to eat it; if I don't I will probably chill before I get around to going out after it.

Exercise has been surprisingly easy and I LOVE the way it makes me feel!!!  It amazes me that, knowing that, I have to MAKE myself do it as soon as I get home from work or it doesn't happen.  And weekends have no routine to adhere to so I'm apt to never get there.  'Gotta work on that!   :-)

-- PS -- I didn't mean to imply that I am not working hard when I exercise -- I am.  But I like it once I get past the first ten minutes or so!

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