Wednesday, October 16, 2013

The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly

It has been a good week!   :-)   To recap, I want to list list the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Good:  * I have almost stopped eating mindlessly!  I am very aware each time that I eat.  It isn't a big deal, and when I start to feel hungry I have a little something to eat.  While I am eating, I stop doing other things. That part is hard, but it works.
Good:  * Paying attention to my level of satisfaction when I eat, I am learning to be aware of those feelings, too.  It is amazing how little it takes to satisfy my hunger!  Who knew?!
Bad:  * I don't always stop when I am satisfied.  I am aware of it, but I often keep going a little longer.
Good:  * But sometimes I stop right then!  I haven't 'stuffed' myself since reading Intuitive Eating!
Bad:  * I really, really, really want to 'clean my plate' still.  I really do.  I always have.  It just feels wasteful to leave food.  (Instead, I am turning it into 'waistful' food!)
Good:  * I'll keep working on the 'clean my plate' thing and following my signals.
Good:  * I know to start serving myself smaller portions now.  No eating out of the container either!!!!!
Bad:  * I definitely have not been serving up the veggies and fruit the way I had planned!!!  What's the deal with that?!  I've been eating too many 'good carbs' instead.
Good: * I'd really like to focus on "G-BOMBS" -- greens, beans, onions, mushrooms, berries, seeds & nuts for my health.  (Remember to ask Ashley if she agrees with that.)
Bad:  * Broccoli is so expensive!
Good:  * I think I have been avoiding the grocery store to keep from being tempted from certain habits.  I need to start going regularly so that I don't run out of fruits and veggies to snack on.  That should be a priority for me!
Good: * I have been doing aerobic exercise most days for at least thirty minutes, with some weights, bands, stretching, etc., added at the end.  So far my foot (dropped metatarsals) hasn't bothered me much (only with the side steps during a video session.  I'm thinking about trying different shoes on video workouts).
Bad: * I still find it very difficult to start exercising each day.
Good: * I'm follow Ashley's instructions to ensure that my workout is done prior to other more pleasurable things.  I LOVE the way that my body feels after a good workout!
Good: * When I am stressed, sleepy, or bored at work, I'm learning to get up from my desk and walk to another area for a change of scenery or a chat with a co-worker instead of eating.  Hooray!
Good: * For the first time since August 2012 (foot problem began) I am going up the stairs again!  (Going down tends to make my foot more sensitive, but up only makes me feel 'winded'!)  Good for me!
Good: * I'm encouraged to be more confident about my food choices, as well as my consistency in exercise.  I weighed yesterday and I'm down a few pounds, too.  I can hardly wait to get into the other two books.
Good: * Other than the 'egg-white delight' in the mornings, I don't think I have had ANY fast food for the past couple of weeks!  Remarkable!
Good: * Fewer Diet Cokes and more water lately!  If the price of Diet Coke keeps going up it will be a sure thing!
Ugly: * I was kidding about that part.  The only thing that's ugly is the smell after my dog has been out in the rain.  But, hey, he's worth it!   ...Oh!  And we are going to the UNC football game tomorrow night -- that may be ugly.   ;-)

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